After some basic research, I've settled on a decent password manager setup that doesn't cause much mental overhead.

Written by: bappled on Tue Feb 07

The full Astro logo.



KeePass is great!

Currently, I use a KeePass database synced across all my devices using Syncthing. For clients, I use KeePassXC and KeePassDX on their respective platforms. The database is protected by one very long password. For me this accomplishes a few things:

Overall besides how their browser extension isn’t very good, this is a pretty satisfying setup for me.


Generally speaking, for accounds that have important data I always generate a random secure password through KeePass. If it’s not that important, I honestly just use the same few kinds of passwords everywhere so I don’t have to back it up into KeePass immediately or pull up KeePass.

2FA and Passkeys

Whereever possible, I use YubiKey, KeePassXC, and/or my phone as either passkeys or 2FA. Using these mostly physical passkeys should prevent my accounts from being logged into from other parts of the world.

I also use Aegis to store TOTP on my phone. I prefer to keep the TOTP secrets in Aegis instead of KeePass because I like the UX of Aegis more (easier to copy, easy to open through the quick settings button, etc.).